How To Achieve Radiant Skin With Regular Facials

Let’s achieve healthy and radiant skin together.

It can be difficult to make time for ourselves regularly. But, when stress and environmental factors take a toll on our skin, incorporating regular facials into our skincare routine is important as it allows us to maintain a healthy and radiant complexion.

Beyond the indulgence and luxury of pampering yourself, facials offer a multitude of benefits that contribute to both the aesthetic appeal and your over well-being.


Deep Cleansing For Clearer and Brighter Skin:

Regular facials provide thorough cleansing of the skin, removing any accumulated dirt, oil and impurities.

The deep cleansing process that is performed by our skilled Skin Experts, goes beyond what daily at-home routines can achieve. This not only helps to prevent breakouts, but also promotes a clearer complexion by unclogging pores and allowing the skin to breathe.

Improved Blood Circulation:

Facials involve gentle massage and stimulating techniques that enhance your blood circulation. Improved blood flow means better nutrient delivery to your skin cells, resulting in a natural, radiant look. This boost in your circulation also aids in the elimination of toxins, contributing to a healthier complexion.

Addressing Specific Skin Concerns:

Everyone’s skin is different. Regular facials offer personalised skin solutions to address specific concerns.

Whether we’re combating acne, targeting signs of ageing, or dealing with hyperpigmentation, your experienced Skin Expert can customise your facial treatment to suit your skin needs, promoting targeted and effective results.

Stress Reduction & Relaxation:

The calm experience of a facial extends beyond skincare benefits. The tranquil environment and expert touch during a facial treatment contributes significantly to stress reduction.

Stress is one of the biggest factor to most skin issues, and by taking the time for regular facials, you will not only invest in your skin but also in your overall well-being.

Holistic Self-Care Investment:

Regular facials represent a commitment to self-care and self-love. In a world where the external stressors can affect our skin health, dedicating time to indulge in facials is a powerful act of self-preservation. It’s an investment that pays dividends in terms of both physical and mental well-being.

Incorporating regular facials into your skincare routine is more than just a luxury, it’s your proactive step toward achieving and maintaining healthy and radiant skin.

Embrace the glow that regular facials can provide and make it a cornerstone of your self-care routine.

Your skin will thank you with. renewed vibrancy that reflects the care you’ve invested in it.

At Pure Emporium Skin & Laser Clinic, you can choose from:

Relaxation Facial: Our brand new Pure “Relaxation Facial”. No machines, just time out. If you’re looking for a face treatment, but just simply want time out on the couch whilst recharging your skin, this is the facial for you. Drift away on the warm facial couch and relax with a skin-boosting, relaxation facial. With gorgeous smells, and silky products, your skin will receive a cleanse, exfoliation, mask, face massage, scalp massage, hand and arm massage. All finished off moisturiser and skin protecting SPF to finish.

Environ Facial: Treat your skin concerns with this vitamin packed facial. During consultation, your therapist will find out all about your skin and recommend which products will be best to use during the facial. Your therapist will also use our Skin Analysis Machine to look at your Skin Concerns in greater detail. This is a great way to track your progress throughout your facials. The treatment uses gentle soundwaves to drive a specific nutrient packed serum deep into the lowest layers of the skin - where change happens! This is a 55 minute electrical facial pushing products 4400% deeper than just rubbing in alone, with extra time for thorough skin consultation and aftercare advice.

Cool Peel: This powerful cool peel therapy assists with the management of skin concerns. After thorough consultation, your therapist will decide whether to treat your skin as problematic, dry, dehydrated or mature. A 45 minute treatment with extra time added for thorough consultation and aftercare advice. Your therapist will also use our Skin Analysis Machine to look at your Skin Concerns in greater detail. This is a great way to track your progress throughout your facials.

Dermalux Light Therapy: Dermalux LED Phototherapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses clinically proven therapeutic light energy to trigger the skins natural rejuvenation and repair processes without pain or downtime. From the first treatment, Dermalux instantly boosts the complexion to restore vitality and glow. A treatment course offers cumulative benefits and can be targeted to specific skin concerns for the face and body with lasting and visible improvement.

CACI Facials: 'Let's take your face to the gym!' Following 20 years of medical research, this advanced treatment can deliver visible results without the need for surgery. Tiny electrical impulses will lift and tone facial muscles, improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 50 minute treatment, allowing time for thorough consultation and aftercare advice. Your therapist will also use our Skin Analysis Machine to look at your Skin Concerns in greater detail. This is a great way to track your progress throughout your facials.

illumiFacial: A laser treatment that can be used for advanced anti-ageing or skin rejuvenation. Using IPL (intense pulsed light) to cause mild and reversible damage to the top layer of your skin. Your skin then goes into repair mode by increasing the rate of collagen and elastin production deep within the dermis. This increases the skin’s elasticity and strength, making the skin smoother and firmer, brighter and more even in tone and texture.

Fractional Skin Resurfacing: This is the most advanced resurfacing treatments to receive with much less downtime than more aggressive lasers. Multiple tiny laser beams are flashed onto the skin’s surface, the top layer of your skin unharmed, but causing damage to 20% of the lowest skin layers. The other 80% non-injured skin cells then work repair the cells, triggering the skin’s healing response to remodel and rejuvenate your skin. The skin starts the regeneration process, and large amounts of collagen are stimulated, and skin is regenerated. This will help improve the overall skin tone, texture, and elasticity of the skin. This treatment is great for ultra anti-ageing, scarring an stretchmarks.

Are you ready to add Facials into your skin routine?

Book your treatment online now. Click here. (for laser facials, a laser consultation must be completed first to ensure a safe treatment.)

Let’s achieve radiant, healthy and glowing skin together!

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Meg, Manager x

Amy CardPure Emporium