Winter Wellness: How To Nurture Your Skin

All things skin.

As we embark on a new year, our skin serves a little extra love and care to combat the winter chill. January is the perfect time to prioritise self-care and give your skin the attention it craves.

Let’s dive into some tips and tricks for nurturing your skin during this frosty season.

  1. Hydration Heroics:

    Winter winds and indoor heating can leave our skin parched. Rehydrate with an advanced moisturiser (Environ’s AVST) to help lock in moisture and combat skin-dryness. For an extra skin boost, consider adding a hydrating mask into your routine. We recommend incorporating a mask into your routine 1-2 times per week.

  2. Glow-Boosting Serums:

    Combat skin dullness that can accompany the colder months with a glow-boosting serum. We LOVE Environ’s Hydrating Serum (the clue is in the name). This amazing serum contains high levels of hyaluronic acid which will revitalise your complexion and restore radiance.

  3. Lip Love:

    Don’t forget about taking care of your lips. Keep them silky and soft with the use of a nourishing lip balm. For extra lip-care, you can gently exfoliate to remove any flakiness.

  4. Warmth Without Damage:

    We all love a cosy fireplace and extra heat this time of year, however over-heating can strip our skin of it’s natural oils. We recommend maintaining a healthy balance by using a humidifier to add some extra moisture to the air. This helps to combat dryness and keeps your skin looking and feeling supple.

  5. Healthy Habits For Skin

    A healthy complexion start from within. We recommend that you stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet that’s rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and that you get sufficient sleep. These habits will all contribute to vibrant and resilient skin.

  6. New Year, New Skincare Routine:

    Is it time to reassess your skincare routine? Your skin needs change with the seasons, so try to adapt your products accordingly. This is where at Pure Emporium, our Skin Experts can help. Book in for a Skin Analysis Consultation and we can create you your very own personalised skin plan. Including tips and tricks regarding products, treatments and lifestyle habits. Click here and get booked in now.

Remember, January is not just about setting resolutions. It can also be about embracing a holistic approach to wellness, and your skin plays a crucial part in that journey. Treat yourself to a little extra care this January and let your radiance shine through the winter blues.

At Pure Emporium, we’re wishing you a January filled with self-love and glowing skin!

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Meg, Manager x

Amy CardPure Emporium